FNES publicerar ny bok om politiskt beteende i Finland

På torsdag den 4 april lanserar valforskningskonsortiet FNES sin senaste publikation “Political Behaviour in Contemporary Finland. Studies of Voting and Campaigning in a Candidate-Oriented Political System”, redigerad av Åsa von Schoultz och Kim Strandberg. Boken omfattar sjutton kapitel författade av forskare inom FNES-konsortiet och erbjuder djupgående analyser av demokrati, val och kampanjer i Finland.

Boken är publicerad av Routledge och fritt tillgänglig via https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003452287. Den är en värdefull resurs för akademiker, beslutsfattare och entusiaster tillika.

Boklanseringen är öppen för allmänheten och sker den 4 april mellan klockan 15.15 och 17 på Unionsgatan 37, Helsingfors (Fakultetssalen, entrévåningen)

Political Behaviour in Contemporary Finland. Studies of Voting and Campaigning in a Candidate-Oriented Political System.

Book cover for Political Behaviour in Contemporary Finland. Studies of Voting and Campaigning in a Candidate-Oriented Political System.


This book presents a comprehensive overview of Finnish electoral democracy, expertly detailing both its typical representation of a stable European party democracy and its particularities such as a personalized electoral system, a fragmented party system with tradition of grand government coalitions and its sensitive geopolitical location.

Using the Finnish National Election Study as a basis, it analyses how voters act and react in an electoral democracy characterized by a high degree of competition between and within parties, yet a democracy in which the possibility for voters to hold governments accountable for their actions is weak, leading to interesting tensions within the system and influences on how voters relate to and engage in politics. This book not only describes these patterns but also provides the reader with thorough explanations and interpretations from a team of expert contributors.

This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of Finnish politics, Nordic/Scandinavian politics and studies, political behaviour, electoral studies, public opinion and more broadly to comparative politics and democracy.


1. An introduction to the Finnish electoral context; Åsa von Schoultz and Kim Strandberg;

Part 1: The state of democracy

2. What kind of democracy do the people want?; Lauri Rapeli and Kim Strandberg;

3. Finland: A Country of High Political Trust and Weak Political Self-efficacy; Maria Bäck, Thomas Karv and Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen;

4. In safe elections, democracy wins: perceptions of electoral harassment among candidates and voters; Veikko Isotalo and Hanna

5. Foiled at every turn? Understanding turnout in Finland; Theodora Helimäki and Hanna Wass;

6. Act Your Age! Generational Differences in Political Participation in Finland 2007–2019; Janette Huttunen and Henrik Serup Christensen;

Part 2: Elections, parties and candidates;

7. The Social Basis of the Vote: Class Voting in Finland; Aino Tiihonen and Peter Söderlund; 8. Value dimensions and party choice in Finland; Kimmo Grönlund and Peter Söderlund;

9. Party identification; Sami Borg and Heikki Paloheimo;

10. Friends and foes: Affective polarization among Finnish voters; Arto Kekkonen, Daniel Kawecki and Staffan Himmelroos;

11. Party and candidate as objects of electoral choice; Peter Söderlund;

12. How to find a needle in a haystack: Which candidate characteristics matter for voters’ choice of candidate?; Theodora Helimäki and Åsa von Schoultz;

13. What makes a successful candidate in the Finnish open-list proportional electoral system?; Veikko Isotalo and Åsa von Schoultz;

Part 3: Campaigning;

14. Generational Patterns in Voters’ Use of the Internet and Social Media in Finnish Parliamentary Elections 2003–2019; Tom Carlson and Kim Strandberg;

15. Candidates and campaigning; Peter Söderlund;

16. Individualized Campaigning in the Finnish Open-List System; Mikko Mattila;

17. Conclusions; Kim Strandberg and Åsa von Schoultz

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